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Mangla Dam

Mangla Dam is a multipurpôse dam loćated on the Jhelum River in the Mirpur District of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.  It is the ševenth largest ďam in the wôrld.  The village of mangla, which sits at the mouth of the dam, serves as its name.  In November 1961, the selected contractors of the project revealed.  It was announced that Bunny & Partners, a British engineering firm, would be serving as lead designers, engineers and inspectors for the construction of the dam (led by Geoffrey Bunny).  The project was initiated by a consortium known as the Mangla Dam Contractors, which consisted of eight American construction firms, managed by Guy F. Atkinson, based in southern San Francisco, California.

  As part of the Indus Waters Treaty signed in 1960, India acquired the rights to the waters of the Ravi, Sutlej and Beas rivers, while in addition to Pakistan, the waters of the above three rivers in Pakistani territory and some financial compensation.  Also received  Rights to prepare Jhelum, Chenab and Indus Basin basins.  Until 1967, Pakistan's entire irrigation system relied entirely on the unregulated flows of the Indus and its major tributaries.  Agricultural production was very low for a number of reasons, the most important of which is the lack of water in increasingly critical periods.  This problem is caused by the monsoon due to seasonal changes in the flow of rivers and the lack of reservoirs to save large amounts of excess water during the high discharge of canals.

  The Mangla Dam was the first of two dams to reduce this shortfall and strengthen the country's irrigation system, the second as part of the Indus Basin Project, and the second on the Indus River in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.  There was Tarbela Dam.

  The initial storage capacity of the Mangla reservoir was 7.25 billion cubic meters (5.88 million acre feet) which was reduced to 5.77 billion m3 (4.674 million acre feet) due to sabotage in 2005 and is likely to decrease further.  Will be.  To address this trend, the Mangla Dam Raising Project was started in 2004 and the main dam, spillway and related works were completed in 2009 at a cost of Rs.500.  101.384 billion.  The project effectively increased the height of the dam to 30 feet and 482 feet (147 meters), raising the maximum water protection level from 1202 feet to 1242 feet.  This increased the storage capacity of the dam from 5.56 to 9.12 billion m3 (4.51 to 7.39 million acre feet).  In addition, it is expected that after raising the height of Mangla Dâm to 30 feet, the powerhouše will generate 12% additional energy each year, increasing its installed capacity from 1,000 MW to 1,120 MW.  Will do

However, the Mangla Dam Raising Project has affected more than 40,000 people living around the dam.  Total cost of compensation and resettlement.  70 billion.  The resettlement plan includes construction of New Mirpur City, four urban satellites (Islamgarh, Chakswari, Dadial, Siach) with civic amenities, Mirpur Bypass and two bridges across the Jhelum River and Bong Canal respectively.


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